Edit Report:Search Order Inv Totals

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-- Search Order Inv Totals -- PLACE HOLDER REPORT DESCRIPTION -- PLACE HOLDER REPORT FILTERS AND DRILL DOWN -- -- ignore select id, transno, debtorno, branchcode, trandate, type, ABS( CAST(ovamount + ovgst + ovfreight + ovdiscount as DECIMAL(10,2))) as total, alloc, order_, case when type in(11,12) then (select GROUP_CONCAT('APPLIED TO:',transno,' ORDER: ', order_) from debtortrans where id in (select transid_allocto from custallocns where transid_allocfrom = d.id)) else '' end as appliedto from debtortrans d where debtorno in ('7939','7938') and trandate >= '2019-01-01' -- having total IN ('{{ search }}' ) or order_ in('{{ search }}') or transno IN ('{{ search }}')
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