Edit Report:SalonCentric POS Sales Report

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-- SalonCentric POS Sales Report -- From AA Website -- ^receivables -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "range", -- display: "Report Range", -- type: "daterange", -- default: { start: "first day of this month", end: "today" } -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "ppd", -- display: "PPD Vendor(s)", -- type: "select", -- database_options: { table: "suppliers", display: "suppname", column: "supplierid", order:{ column: "suppname" , order: "ASC"}, where: "supplierid in ('biola', 'lorea', 'matri', 'pulpr', 'pureo', 'redke')" }, -- multiple:true, -- empty:true, -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "partner", -- display: "Partner Vendor(s)", -- type: "select", -- database_options: { table: "suppliers", display: "suppname", column: "supplierid", order:{ column: "suppname" , order: "ASC"}, where: "supplierid in ('amika', 'joico', 'kenra', 'malib', 'k18', 'olapl', 'its10', 'abc', 'igk', 'kcomp', 'mizan', 'sexyh')" }, -- multiple:true, -- empty:true, -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "independant", -- display: "Independant Vendor(s)", -- type: "select", -- database_options: { table: "suppliers", display: "suppname", column: "supplierid", order:{ column: "suppname" , order: "ASC"}, where: "supplierid in ('gamap', 'surfa', 'moroc', 'loma', 'lanza', 'kerat', 'difia', 'color', 'bbb')" }, -- multiple:true, -- empty:true, -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "misc", -- display: "Misc Vendor(s)", -- type: "select", -- database_options: { table: "suppliers", display: "suppname", column: "supplierid", order:{ column: "suppname" , order: "ASC"}, where:"not supplierid in ('gamap', 'surfa', 'moroc', 'loma', 'lanza', 'kerat', 'difia', 'color', 'bbb', 'amika', 'joico', 'kenra', 'malib', 'k18', 'olapl', 'its10', 'abc', 'igk', 'kcomp', 'mizan', 'sexyh', 'biola', 'lorea', 'matri', 'pulpr', 'pureo', 'redke')" }, -- multiple:true, -- empty:true, -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "location", -- display: "Branches", -- type: "select", -- database_options: { table: "locations", display: "locationname", column: "loccode", order:{ column: "locationname" , order: "ASC"} }, -- multiple:true, -- empty:true, -- } -- SELECT YEAR(stocktrans.trandate) as `Year`, stocktrans.trandate as `Invoice Date`, fromstkloc AS `Store Code`, (case when enteredby = 'WO' then '00 - WEBSITE ORDER' else locationname end) AS `Store Location`, (case when fromstkloc = '00' then salesperson else '' end) as `DSC`, supplierno as `Brand`, stocktrans.lineid as `Material Division`, stockmaster.stockid as `SKU`, suppliers_partno as `Vendor Part`, barcode as `UPC`, itemdesc as `Description`, gl_class_desc.name as `Category`,debtorno as CUSTOMER_NUMBER, round(stocktrans.price * qty * -1,2) as `$ Sales`, -1 * qty as `Qty Sold` FROM stocktrans INNER JOIN stockmaster ON stockmaster.stockid = stocktrans.stockid INNER JOIN gl_class_desc ON stockmaster.glclass = gl_class_desc.code LEFT JOIN purchdata ON stockmaster.stockid = purchdata.stockid inner join locations on stocktrans.fromstkloc = locations.loccode WHERE stocktrans.trandate >= '{{range.start}}' AND stocktrans.trandate <= '{{range.end}}' {% if location[0] != '' %} {% if location|length > 0 %} and fromstkloc in ( {% for l in location %} '{{ l }}' {{ not loop.last ? ',' }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if misc[0] != '' %} {% if misc|length > 0 %} and (supplierno in ( {% for v in misc %} '{{ v }}' {{ not loop.last ? ',' }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if independant[0] != '' %} {% if independant|length > 0 %} {% if misc|length > 0 and misc[0] != '' %} or {% endif %} {%if misc|length > 0 and misc[0] == '' %} and ( {% endif%} supplierno in ( {% for v in independant %} '{{ v }}' {{ not loop.last ? ',' }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if ppd[0] != '' %} {% if ppd|length > 0 %} {% if (misc|length > 0 and misc[0] != '') or (independant|length > 0 and independant[0] != '')%} or {% endif %} {%if misc|length > 0 and misc[0] == '' and independant|length > 0 and independant[0] == '' %} and ( {% endif%} supplierno in ( {% for v in ppd %} '{{ v }}' {{ not loop.last ? ',' }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if partner[0] != '' %} {% if partner|length > 0 %} {% if (misc|length > 0 and misc[0] != '') or (independant|length > 0 and independant[0] != '') or (ppd|length > 0 and ppd[0] != '')%} or {% endif %} {%if misc|length > 0 and misc[0] == '' and independant|length > 0 and independant[0] == '' and ppd|length > 0 and ppd[0] == ''%} and ( {% endif%} supplierno in ( {% for v in partner %} '{{ v }}' {{ not loop.last ? ',' }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} {% endif %} )
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