Edit Report:GL CLass Report

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-- GL CLass Report -- -- -- -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "range", -- display: "Report Range", -- type: "daterange", -- default: { start: "first day of last month", end: "last day of last month" } -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "glclass", -- display: "Gl Class Code", -- type: "text", -- } -- ROLLUP: { -- columns: { -- "Sales Amt": "{{ sum }}", -- "Cost": "{{ sum }}", -- "Profit": "{{ sum }}", -- "stockid": "{{ count }}" -- } --} select sm.glclass as `GL Class`, g.name as Description, CAST(sum(s.discountedlinetotal*-1) as DECIMAL(10,2)) as `Sales Amt`, CAST(sum(s.costtotal*-1) as DECIMAL(10,2)) as `Cost`, CAST(sum( (s.discountedlinetotal-s.costtotal) * - 1 ) as DECIMAL(10,2)) AS Profit, CAST(((sum(s.discountedlinetotal-s.costtotal)/sum( s.discountedlinetotal)) * 100 ) as DECIMAL(10,2))AS `Profit%` from stocktrans s JOIN stockmaster sm on sm.stockid = s.stockid JOIN gl_class_desc g on g.code = sm.glclass where s.trandate between "{{ range.start }}" AND "{{ range.end }}" {% if glclass != '' %} and sm.glclass = '{{ glclass }}' {% endif %} group by sm.glclass order by sm.glclass
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