Edit Report:Back Order Fill Report

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-- Back Order Fill Report -- Back Order Fill Report -- ^orders -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "supplierno", -- display: "Supplier", -- type: "select", -- database_options: { table: "suppliers", display: "suppname", column: "supplierid", where: " supplierid in (select distinct supplierno from purchdata) " , order:{ column: "suppname" , order: "ASC"} }, -- multiple:true, -- } -- VARIABLE: { -- name: "zeroqoh", -- display: "Exclude Zero On Hand", -- type: "select", -- multiple: false, -- options: [{display: 'Include', value:'includeqoh'},{display: 'Exclude', value:'exludeqoh'},{display: 'Fillable', value:'fillonly'}], -- } -- ROLLUP: { -- columns: { -- "OUTSTANDING": "Total: {{sum}}", -- "ORDERED": "Total: {{sum}}", -- "INVOICED": "Total: {{sum}}", -- "NETTOTAL": "Total: {{sum}}", -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "OUTSTANDING", -- params: { -- class: "center" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "ORDERED", -- params: { -- class: "center" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "INVOICED", -- params: { -- class: "center" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "html", -- column: "ORDERNO" --} -- FILTER: { -- filter: "twig", -- column: "DISCOUNT", -- params: { -- template: "{{ value }}%" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "twig", -- column: "PRICE", -- params: { -- template: "${{ value | number_format(2, '.', ',')}}" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "twig", -- column: "NETTOTAL", -- params: { -- template: "{{ value | number_format(2, '.', '')}}" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "DISCOUNT", -- params: { -- class: "center" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "QOH", -- params: { -- class: "center" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "PRICE", -- params: { -- class: "right" -- } -- } -- FILTER: { -- filter: "class", -- column: "NETTOTAL", -- params: { -- class: "right" -- } -- } select p.supplierno AS "SUPPLIER", so.orddate as 'DATE', so.orderno as 'ORDERNO', debtorno as 'CUSTOMER', so.deliverto AS 'NAME', so.contactphone AS 'PHONE', sa.salesmanname as 'SALESPERSON', stkcode as ITEMCODE, s.description as DESCRIPTION, (quantity - qtyinvoiced) as OUTSTANDING , unitprice as 'PRICE', (discountpercent*100) as 'DISCOUNT', CAST(((unitprice - unitprice * discountpercent ) * (quantity - qtyinvoiced)) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) as NETTOTAL, (select sum(quantity) from locstock where loccode = so.fromstkloc and stockid =stkcode) as QOH from salesorderdetails LEFT JOIN salesorders so ON so.orderno = salesorderdetails.orderno LEFT JOIN stockmaster s ON s.stockid = salesorderdetails.stkcode INNER JOIN purchdata p ON s.stockid = p.stockid AND p.preferred = 1 JOIN salesman sa ON sa.salesmancode = so.salesperson where completed = 0 and quantity <> qtyinvoiced and stkcode not like 'SUAA%' and debtorno <> '' and fromstkloc = '00' {% if zeroqoh == 'exludeqoh' %} having QOH > 0 {% endif %} {% if zeroqoh == 'fillonly' %} having QOH > OUTSTANDING {% endif %} {% if supplierno|length > 0 %} and p.supplierno in ( {% for supp in supplierno %} '{{ supp }}' {{ not loop.last ? ',' }} {% endfor %}) {% endif %} order by debtorno asc, stkcode asc, orddate desc
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