Edit Report:Item Sales by date range by location
Menu Anchors
'customers', 'orders', 'sales', 'payables', 'warehouse', 'dispatching', 'receivables', 'payables-dash', 'inventory', 'purchases', 'generallendger', 'users',-- Item Sales by date range by location
-- Item Sales History Details
-- name: "range",
-- display: "Report Range",
-- type: "daterange",
-- default: { start: "first day of last month", end: "last day of last month" }
-- }
select stockid,
loccode as `Location`,
sum(s.qty*-1) as `Qty Sld`,
from stocktrans s
where s.trandate between "{{ range.start }}" AND "{{ range.end }}"
and loccode = 01
group by stockid
order by stockid